Fried Chicken and Sushi 348 Livin' in Japan as a black man

I remember feeling as frustrated with Japanese people as J seems to be.  It's easy to think that all people there are racist because of the way they treat foreigners.  One minute, you're treated extra special, the next minute you're treated like an alien from another planet.  Never as an equal.  It's really only because they have very little experience with foreigners and only know what they've seen in movies and heard on TV.  I never felt that Japanese people were trying to make me feel bad or hated me, but they just didn't know much about my culture.  Add to that, the fact that you're in the minority as a non-Japanese, they feel pretty comfortable pointing out differences between you and them.  I guess J calling it racism is one way to look at it, from his experiences as a black man in America, but it's not fueled by hate.  More of a lack of understanding and a curiosity most Japanese people have about foreigners.

Fried Chicken and Sushi 316 Should J go dreadless?

Did you notice that J was wearing a tie?  If so, nice job!  It does stand out on him!  I agree that he should keep his dreads and stop worrying about what the office workers in Japan will think.  It can be difficult to believe in yourself when you really want something badly but others judge you by your looks.  Good thing he has Beverly to help him out. 

Fried Chicken and Sushi 303 The Japan Office Weighs in

The office in Japan doesn't think J looks like someone who can work in Japan?  Hmmmm.  Why would they jump to that conclusion without even meeting him?  Not cool.  Of course, whether you like it or not, these kinds of things happen in real life.  Stereotypes and prejudice can really suck!  I wonder what they expected?  Was it his hair?  ;)  Will J just take it or try and fight for his opportunity?  Tune in for the next update to find out!

Fried Chicken and Sushi 275 That white guy again...

J finally comes out with his true feelings instead of walking all around them.  It wasn't fair of him to get upset with Beverly for dating another man, especially when he's not ready to get serious with her.  The fact that he was a white man made J feel even more upset and insecure.  She went out with someone so different than J.  He was pretty afraid that Beverly wouldn't be interested in a black guy.  I know that sounds silly but these kinds of concerns run through your head when you're interested in someone and not sure if they're really into you.  Thanks for all of your comments on the previous comic.  I'm hoping that as fans of FC&S, you're reading my comics for more than just funny observations on Japan.  This comic is and always has been about perception.  How we see and perceive others from different races, cultures and of course, countries.  Every now and then, I have to challenge YOUR perceptions and beliefs.  It can get a little edgy at times but I don't know too many webcartoonists that are doing that.  Thanks for sticking with me and I hope you enjoy where these characters are going!